
Thank you Helder!

today we want to honor one of the best players who has ever played for Freespeed. our well known – and feared – hucker #9, Helder Esteves has announced his retirement. time has come to take more responsibilities in the job and to spend more time with the family.

during his almost 15 years with Freespeed he quickly evolved to one of the most important throwers in the team. within the team he was well known for his powerful hucks, his crazy and breakthrows, his creativity and his nerves of steel. who else would close a final of an international tournament with a half field thumber?…
to point out a few important moments for Freespeed: he threw the last pass for two (of our three) championship titles. most assist at WUCC 2010. he threw the pass to win the semifinal against Bad Skid at EUCF 2014. most assists at EUCF 2014…

Helder, we wish you all the best for the future. Freespeed, Ultimate and the highlight videos will miss you!



Thank you Tumbi!

One of Freespeed’s best receivers, Thomas Gysin is looking forward to the birth of his second son not even a month from now. We’re looking forward with you Danger Mouse!
Thomas decided that practising and competing at a high level is not really compatible with having the way of a family life, he wants to have. So spectacular plays from our #19 (like the ones bellow) might not going to happen in 2015… But they’re definitely worth a watch!
Even though we wish you all the best… we still hope to see you back on the field!

Thomas Gysin – Ultimate Highlights!


Skyd Magazine crowd funding – support those who support the sport that we love! (until december 4th)

off season. finally time for everything else but ultimate. partners, friends who don’t play ultimate, parties, other sports…

time to reflect the last season, the team, tournaments, games, specific situations, ourselves.
and time to think about all the people and projects that were behind many things that we loved to be part of. time to be grateful. yes, we’re the players out on the field. we’re fighting and sweating to win games and to maybe please one or anothers specators eye. but there’s a whole bunch of heroes behind the scene. volounteers at tournaments, tournament directors, federation functionary, photographers…

but today we want to focus on some other folks. we sincerely want to thank all the ultimate related blogs and other appearances on the internet. in particular, we would like to thank Get HorizontalSkyd Magazine, NexGen and Ultiworld for EVERYTHING! one can like or dislike certain published articles or oppinions. but if you love ultimate, you have to admit that the work these guys do, is simply awesome. who did not wait years for games from across the world to be watched at home live and commented?!!! who did not ache for previews and reviews to be written about our favourite team or new tactics?!!!
these guys are making these dreams real! and they work hard for these dreams to come real. very hard. for the entire community.

thank you. big time!

it’s not a coincidence that we choose this topic today. Skyd Magazine is in the middle of a campaign on indiegogo to raise funds to keep themselves going. we think it’s about time to show them gratitude for all the things they did and will do. there are hundreds of reasons to do so. because you have watched some games online. because you read some articles. because you clicked on a highlight reel on youtube…

we want more of this. and there will be more – if they reach their fundraising goal. time to support who supports what we love. now!

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